Sunday 15 September 2024

First week done

 First week of Rybelsus done. I haven't weighed this *little* in years (everything is relative). The only negative side effect I've noticed is that I am a bit constipated. On the plus side, I seem to sleep better: I fall asleep sooner and wake up earlier, and I don't feel sluggish during the day.

Weight: 83.5 kg (-2.4 kg)/184.1 lbs (-5.3 lbs)

BMI: 37.1

Weight loss since Sept 6, 2024: 2.4 kg/5.3 lbs

Sure, I could have lost more. I ate over 1000 calories twice (when I was up all night) but stayed under 800 kcal the other days. I didn't exercise in any way. I'm usually under 1500 steps a day since I can't leave my apartment (social phobia yay). My crosstrainer is still functioning as a clothes rack and book case.

My cheat meal last Saturday was pasta. I ate three mouthfulls and then I couldn't stomach anymore and almost threw up. So, a win I guess. Cheat meal this Saturday were three American pancakes with Mrs Butterworth's syrup. Heaven on a plate! Just having warm food was certainly a treat.

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