Sunday 29 September 2024


  Un-fucking-believable. I must be the only one who actually GAINS on semaglutide (me and Amberlynn Reid).

Weight: 84 kg (+1.7 kg)/185.2 lbs (+3.8 lbs)

BMI: 37.3

Weight loss since Sept 6, 2024: 1.9 kg/4.2 lbs

I started taking an extra Rybelsus Wednesday (so now I take 6 mg) because I could feel myself getting hungrier, but so far it hasn't helped. I gained almost two kilos in less than one week! I binged, plain and simple, on crisp bread with spicy tuna spreadable cheese, red grapes and granola for two days in a row. I am ashamed of myself and I obviously didn't have a cheat meal this Saturday. No more granola in the house, no more fruit except for Granny Smith apples (can't binge on that). Thank the gods I can barely afford to buy food this month. The money I do have has to cover cat food for the next three weeks. I have enough protein shakes, quark, Laughing Cow cheese and crisp bread to last me until I get paid in October.

I am supposed to contact my doctor next week to update her on how it's going with the Rybelsus and I really have to make sure she understands that I need to go up to 7mg per day. If I take an extra 3mg it will make it 10mg a day, which I feel comfortable with. Not telling her that, though.

Sunday 22 September 2024

Second week on Rybelsus

 Yikes, nowhere close to where I wanted to be this week.

Weight: 82.3 kg (-1.2 kg)/181.4 lbs (-2.7 lbs)

BMI: 36.6

Weight loss since Sept 6, 2024: 3.6 kg/8 lbs

I am very disappointed. I've been eating well below 800 calories per day this week except for one day when I had 1300 (last Sunday, so it's been almost a week). I'm still on the lowest dose of Rybelsus (3 mg) and will be so for another two weeks. I fear for what will come before I can go up to 7 mg. 

I've added granola to my dinner of quark. It is a huge difference, despite using so little. It's something to chew on and it adds fiber which I desperately need.

I splurged on a large cheat meal this Saturday: two chicken souvlaki (skewers) and one with grilled vegetables.

Sunday 15 September 2024

First week done

 First week of Rybelsus done. I haven't weighed this *little* in years (everything is relative). The only negative side effect I've noticed is that I am a bit constipated. On the plus side, I seem to sleep better: I fall asleep sooner and wake up earlier, and I don't feel sluggish during the day.

Weight: 83.5 kg (-2.4 kg)/184.1 lbs (-5.3 lbs)

BMI: 37.1

Weight loss since Sept 6, 2024: 2.4 kg/5.3 lbs

Sure, I could have lost more. I ate over 1000 calories twice (when I was up all night) but stayed under 800 kcal the other days. I didn't exercise in any way. I'm usually under 1500 steps a day since I can't leave my apartment (social phobia yay). My crosstrainer is still functioning as a clothes rack and book case.

My cheat meal last Saturday was pasta. I ate three mouthfulls and then I couldn't stomach anymore and almost threw up. So, a win I guess. Cheat meal this Saturday were three American pancakes with Mrs Butterworth's syrup. Heaven on a plate! Just having warm food was certainly a treat.

Friday 6 September 2024


  I saw my doctor Thursday. After seven months of practically begging, she finally prescribed me Rybelsus/semaglutide (pills, not the shot). I took my first 3mg pill Friday morning and after four weeks we'll see where I'm at and discuss if I should go up to 7mg or stay on 3mg for a bit longer. I have been off my stackers for about two weeks now after the heart palpatations got so bad I seriously thought I was going to die.

My new starting weight:

Weight Sept 6, 2024 (before first pill): 85.9 kg/189.4 lbs

BMI: 38.2

When my doctor said that it was time to upgrade my diabetes meds and that she suggested Rybelsus, I almost screamed out of joy. I played it cool, though, and just agreed with everything she said. I did grin like an idiot when I left her office, almost laughing out loud; people must've thought I was crazy.