Sunday 13 October 2024

On and on...

 It's been a though week food wise - I have almost nothing to eat. The perks of being poor on disability. 

Starting weight Sept 6, 2024: 85.9 kg/189.4 lbs (BMI: 38.2)

Weight: 81.3 kg (-1.4 kg)/179.2 lbs (-3.1 lbs)

BMI: 36.1

Weight loss since Sept 6, 2024: 4.6 kg/10.2 lbs

I still feel a bit queezy during the day after taking my Rybelsus pill and it lasts well into the evening, so I don't want to eat. I only have my protein shake for breakfast because of meds that have to be taken with food, and two crisp bread with meds for my evening meal. I've have grown terribly tired of both quark, Greek and ordinary yoghurt, so I've been skipping dinner altogether (can't afford to buy anything else). The next time I get paid I will redo my menu: Protein shake with collagen powder for breakfast, another protein shake for dinner (without extra collagen) and a protein bar for evening meal. This adds up to 578 calories, 89 grams of protein, and 19 grams of carbs (I do not count net carbs). I really have to cut down on daily carbs and add more protein, so this menu is much better than the ice lollies and crisp bread one I have now. Except I ran out of ice lollies about a week ago. I've been eating under 350 calories for days.

I was supposed to have American pancakes for my cheat meal Saturday, but I was not hungry at all so I skipped it. 

Sunday 6 October 2024

Ah, yes

 I am so happy! I lost over a kilo this week and it didn't feel like I had to make myself not eat. I just wasn't hungry.

Starting weight Sept 6, 2024: 85.9 kg/189.4 lbs (BMI: 38.2)

Weight: 82.7 kg (-1.3 kg)/182.3 lbs (-2.9 lbs)

BMI: 36.8

Weight loss since Sept 6, 2024: 3.2 kg/7.1 lbs

I started taking 7 mg of Rybelsus Friday morning, as prescribed by my doctor (well, not exactly; she is out of the office for a few weeks so someone else did it. I was terrified they wouldn't). I have been feeling nauseated since Friday which have kept down intake. I was going to cheat and take an extra 3 mg, but right now it doesn't feel like I need to.

I decided to check my BMR and TDEE on SailRabbit since it was some kilos ago since I last did it. BMR was 1359 and TDEE 1494 (I am very inactive, usually keeping under 2000 steps a day). Minus 500 calories makes it 994 calories a day for a weight loss of half a kilo per week. I eat around 6-700 a day so I am at least under that.

My Saturday cheat meal this week was two cinnamon buns, since Friday was Cinnamon Bun Day. I also bought half a kilo of my favorite red seedless grapes (Dole's Apulia Rosé). It was that or the huge bag of pick n mix candy I *wanted* to buy. I also crave orange juice, but I just can't. 900 ml is almost 400 calories and it's just not worth it. I'd rather have the grapes (300 calories for 500 g).

Sunday 29 September 2024


  Un-fucking-believable. I must be the only one who actually GAINS on semaglutide (me and Amberlynn Reid).

Weight: 84 kg (+1.7 kg)/185.2 lbs (+3.8 lbs)

BMI: 37.3

Weight loss since Sept 6, 2024: 1.9 kg/4.2 lbs

I started taking an extra Rybelsus Wednesday (so now I take 6 mg) because I could feel myself getting hungrier, but so far it hasn't helped. I gained almost two kilos in less than one week! I binged, plain and simple, on crisp bread with spicy tuna spreadable cheese, red grapes and granola for two days in a row. I am ashamed of myself and I obviously didn't have a cheat meal this Saturday. No more granola in the house, no more fruit except for Granny Smith apples (can't binge on that). Thank the gods I can barely afford to buy food this month. The money I do have has to cover cat food for the next three weeks. I have enough protein shakes, quark, Laughing Cow cheese and crisp bread to last me until I get paid in October.

I am supposed to contact my doctor next week to update her on how it's going with the Rybelsus and I really have to make sure she understands that I need to go up to 7mg per day. If I take an extra 3mg it will make it 10mg a day, which I feel comfortable with. Not telling her that, though.

Sunday 22 September 2024

Second week on Rybelsus

 Yikes, nowhere close to where I wanted to be this week.

Weight: 82.3 kg (-1.2 kg)/181.4 lbs (-2.7 lbs)

BMI: 36.6

Weight loss since Sept 6, 2024: 3.6 kg/8 lbs

I am very disappointed. I've been eating well below 800 calories per day this week except for one day when I had 1300 (last Sunday, so it's been almost a week). I'm still on the lowest dose of Rybelsus (3 mg) and will be so for another two weeks. I fear for what will come before I can go up to 7 mg. 

I've added granola to my dinner of quark. It is a huge difference, despite using so little. It's something to chew on and it adds fiber which I desperately need.

I splurged on a large cheat meal this Saturday: two chicken souvlaki (skewers) and one with grilled vegetables.

Sunday 15 September 2024

First week done

 First week of Rybelsus done. I haven't weighed this *little* in years (everything is relative). The only negative side effect I've noticed is that I am a bit constipated. On the plus side, I seem to sleep better: I fall asleep sooner and wake up earlier, and I don't feel sluggish during the day.

Weight: 83.5 kg (-2.4 kg)/184.1 lbs (-5.3 lbs)

BMI: 37.1

Weight loss since Sept 6, 2024: 2.4 kg/5.3 lbs

Sure, I could have lost more. I ate over 1000 calories twice (when I was up all night) but stayed under 800 kcal the other days. I didn't exercise in any way. I'm usually under 1500 steps a day since I can't leave my apartment (social phobia yay). My crosstrainer is still functioning as a clothes rack and book case.

My cheat meal last Saturday was pasta. I ate three mouthfulls and then I couldn't stomach anymore and almost threw up. So, a win I guess. Cheat meal this Saturday were three American pancakes with Mrs Butterworth's syrup. Heaven on a plate! Just having warm food was certainly a treat.

Friday 6 September 2024


  I saw my doctor Thursday. After seven months of practically begging, she finally prescribed me Rybelsus/semaglutide (pills, not the shot). I took my first 3mg pill Friday morning and after four weeks we'll see where I'm at and discuss if I should go up to 7mg or stay on 3mg for a bit longer. I have been off my stackers for about two weeks now after the heart palpatations got so bad I seriously thought I was going to die.

My new starting weight:

Weight Sept 6, 2024 (before first pill): 85.9 kg/189.4 lbs

BMI: 38.2

When my doctor said that it was time to upgrade my diabetes meds and that she suggested Rybelsus, I almost screamed out of joy. I played it cool, though, and just agreed with everything she said. I did grin like an idiot when I left her office, almost laughing out loud; people must've thought I was crazy.

Sunday 25 August 2024


 Finally some movement, in the right direction too, despite having to take a break with my stackers (the heart palpatations were getting really bad). A bit more than half a kilo.

Weight: 85.1 kg/187.6 lbs

BMI: 37.8

Weight loss since July 16, 2024: -3.6 kg/-7.9 lbs

I'm seeing my doctor in ten days' time for a diabetes/cholesterol check-in. I don't think I have the energy to ask for semaglutide again. I want it, obviously, but fuck, I am so tired having to fight for medications. They still haven't filled my prescription for sleeping pills, despite two emails and two phone calls.

No cheat meal this Saturday; had a big bowl of cherry yoghurt instead. Couldn't be arsed to cook.