Sunday 25 August 2024


 Finally some movement, in the right direction too, despite having to take a break with my stackers (the heart palpatations were getting really bad). A bit more than half a kilo.

Weight: 85.1 kg/187.6 lbs

BMI: 37.8

Weight loss since July 16, 2024: -3.6 kg/-7.9 lbs

I'm seeing my doctor in ten days' time for a diabetes/cholesterol check-in. I don't think I have the energy to ask for semaglutide again. I want it, obviously, but fuck, I am so tired having to fight for medications. They still haven't filled my prescription for sleeping pills, despite two emails and two phone calls.

No cheat meal this Saturday; had a big bowl of cherry yoghurt instead. Couldn't be arsed to cook.

Sunday 18 August 2024


 I don't understand. I ate around 1000 calories a day this week and still didn't lose more than 100 grams. Why?

Weight: 85.7 kg/188.9 lbs

BMI: 38.1

Weight loss since July 14, 2024: -1.8 kg/4 lbs

I haven't been outside for nine days.

I skipped the cheat meal Saturday, I was to tired to cook.

Sunday 11 August 2024

So tired

 I lost 100 grams this week (0.22 lbs) so I am basically maintaining. I don't know what else to cut down on. I eat between 900 and 1100 calories a day and I am genuinly afraid that if I eat less, I'm just going to binge. It has happened oh, so many times before.

Weight: 85.8 kg/189.2 lbs

BMI: 38.1

Weight loss since July 14, 2024: -1.8 kg/-6.4 lbs

Sunday 4 August 2024

Spiraling downwards

  Another rough week. I binged three nights (15-1600 kcal) when I couldn't sleep. Losing 200 grams (0.44 lbs) was a blessing.

Weight: 85.9 kg/189.4 lbs

BMI: 38.2

Weight loss since July 14, 2024: -1.7 kg/-6.2 lbs

I get out of bed after 12pm, and go back before 6pm (after Antiques Road Trip on TV). I can't remember the last time I showered. My apartment looks like a bomb went off. There's flies everywhere. I haven't been outside for five days. The only thing I properly care for is my cat.