Sunday 28 July 2024

What a week

 This past week has been horrid. Little sleep, lots of ice lollies, proper food (in contrast to quark for dinner). I didn't even logg all my calories on MFP; I was too scared to see the numbers. I'm just glad I didn't gain this week.

Weight: 86.1 kg/189.8 lbs

BMI: 38.3

Weight loss since July 14, 2024: -1.5 kg/-3.3 lbs

Six and a half weeks after surgery I could finally take off the big-ass plaster on my nose. I only have to cover it up if I go outside to protect the baby skin from the sun, but I no longer need it at home. It's a dark pink crater the size of a thumb print, but I really don't care. 

My cheat meal Saturday was four American pancakes (instead of the usual three) but it was well below my calorie limit, so I had another one Sunday: House Foods Japanese curry with Japanese rice (340 kcal).

My family called the cops on me again. Then my brother came over and rang my door bell and knocked on the door for like half an hour. I was sitting on the edge of my bed just crying, wishing him to go away.

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