Sunday, 14 January 2024

New scales, new diet

 I finally got my new scales (Whitings Body) so from now on I can be certain of my weight.

Weight: 88.4 kg (-1.1 kg)/194.9 lbs (-2.4 lbs)

BMI: 39.3

Weight loss since Sept 16, 2023: 5.1 kg/11.2 lbs

It's a useful set, showing weight and BMI, but also, of all things, the weather forecast. There are other measurements too, but you need to download an app that sucked and buy a subscription, and I just can't be arsed. Number of steps is redundant, because I usually don't walk even 2000 steps a day. I need to do something about that. I have a cross trainer, but I don't use it, I don't know why. It's better than going outside, which I rarely do.

I've grown very tired of quark and Greek yoghurt, so I switched to a protein shake (ice coffee, sooo delicious) in the morning, made with unsweetened almond milk, and plain chicken and wax beans with sriracha mayo for dinner. I've also decided to stop eating my usual (kinda large) piece of chocolate in the evening and stick with a protein bar instead. This means that more of my calories come from protein instead of carbs, and I'm not eating as much dairy as I used to do (I'm slightly lactose intolerant).

The cheat meal of the week was a humongous falafel in bread, with garlic dressing and extra onion. My tummy hurts.

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