Sunday, 31 March 2024

Oh my.

  Well, well, well, I actually lost weight.

Weight: 84.6 kg (-1.1 kg)/186.5 lbs (-2.4 lbs)

BMI: 37.6

Weight loss since Sept 16, 2023: 8.5 kg/10.6 lbs

I've been on antibiotics since Monday a week ago because of a mysterious spot on my nose. The doctor (not my usual one) couldn't say what it is, so he prescribed antibiotics and if it doesn't get better I have to get back to him. I decided to stop taking stackers for the duration so I've been *clean* for over a week. I haven't really watched my eating, so I was very surprised when I weighed myself yesterday and had lost over a kilo in one week. It's only because my stomach is VERY upset due to the antibiotics. I haven't been able to leave my flat in several days. I was supposed to have Easter dinner at my sister's on Saturday, but had to stay home because I didn't dare taking the bus so far (30 minutes).

Sunday, 24 March 2024

So tired

 I haven't taken stackers for several days, I needed a break (should be eight weeks on, two weeks off).

Weight: 85.7 kg (+0.9 kg)/188.9 lbs (+1.9 lbs)

BMI: 38.1

Weight loss since Sept 16, 2023: 7.4 kg/8.2 lbs

As soon as I stop taking stackers I gain, a lot. I hate taking stackers, I hate hate hate it, but what choice do I have? I have to see a doctor next week for something else and if it's my personal GP I am going to ask her about Rybelsus again. I can't go on like this.

Sunday, 17 March 2024

A short one

  Aaand I gained it back.

Weight: 84.8 kg (+0.5 kg)/187 lbs (+1.2 lbs)

BMI: 37.7

Weight loss since Sept 16, 2023: 8.3 kg/10.1 lbs

I didn't sleep for two nights because the fucking pharmacist couldn't read the fucking computer screen and give me my fucking sleeping pills. I am still upset and I am never going back to that pharmacy. He made me think that I couldn't get any new until two weeks ahead and it wasn't until I was home again that I remembered that I was short on pills because I only got half my prescription the last time. So, back downtown the next day (in the pouring rain) to another pharmacy where the lady did know how to fucking read and I finally got my goddamn pills. I was so tired Friday and Saturday after the sleepless nights that I was shaking. I slept for 13 hours Saturday/Sunday night.

Sunday, 10 March 2024


 I lost a kilo this week, but it was hard

Weight: 84.3 kg (-1 kg)/185.8 lbs (-2.3 lbs)

BMI: 37.5

Weight loss since Sept 16, 2023: 9.2 kg/20.3 lbs

Monday morning my new doctor called again and this time I answered. Among other things we discussed my weight loss (or rather, lack of). She told me about the city's free health centre where they can help with things such as diets and I told her my diet's fine and that I eat around a thousand calories a day. "Oh, that's a bit on the low side," she said. "Well, I am 85 kilos, I need to lose weight," I said, and that part of the conversation sort of ended there. Since my blood test results were so good I asked if I could cut down on my diabetes meds because one of the side effects is a VERY upset stomach, and she said I could halve the dose. Then she said that somewhere in the future we could discuss Rybelsus again. Fingers crossed. We never touched on the topic of stackers.

My Saturday cheat meal turned into a binge. Nine nuggets and a Happy Meal with a cheeseburger, fries and baby carrots. A day later and I am still nauseated.

I'm getting a lot of money back on my taxes so I bought myself a Garmin Venu Sq 2 smartwatch and I love it. It was well worth the money and it keeps excellent track of everything. I also bought myself a new phone, a Motorola Moto G84.

Sunday, 3 March 2024

Old new clothes


I gained, but I am not surprised. I only slept a few hours between Tuesday and Friday and the whole week was a shit show.


Weight: 85.3 kg (+0.2 kg)/188.1 lbs (+0.5 lbs)

BMI: 37.9

Weight loss since Sept 16, 2023: 8.2 kg/18 lbs

I wrote my doctor's office an email asking for Rybelsus (oral semaglutide, for diabetes 2) after my nurse decided I didn't need it. I told them about my stackers. I told them my weight and BMI. I told them about my high blood pressure and cholesterol. I told them I couldn't lose the weight on my own. A couple of days later I got the answer that their diabetes doc didn't think I should change medications. So that was that. I am so fucking disappointed. I also wrote in my letter that I DON'T want them to call me, DON'T in capital letters; that if they wanted to contact me it had to be through the health app. They scheduled a call for Friday morning. I did not answer.

I wasn't supposed to have a cheat meal this week due to the gain, but then I thought "fuck it" and had one of my all-time favourites: Kraft's Mac 'n' Cheese with a can of tuna and Heinz ketchup with less salt and sugar. It was my staple food when I lived in the States, real comfort food, and I needed some fucking comfort. Then I bit into something hard and almost threw up, so I ended up eating only half.

I found a box full of clothes that I bought some years ago when I thought I was going to lose weight but never did, but now I am, so suddenly I have a lot of clothes that fit. Three sets of pyjamas (my two Nightmare Before Christmas finally fit!), tops, summer clothes, oh my!